Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Myths And Facts

There are some myths and facts about safety on the road. Maybe we think myth will help us but it has some facts behind it.

Myth: It is safe to drive overnight so you can avoid daytime traffic.
Facts: If you are driving at a time when you'd normally be sleeping, it will be harder to stay awake.

Myth: Loud music will help you to keep awake.
Fact: There are people who set up their car audio so that the car will have a good sound. Maybe this might help for a while but not for long. It can distract you from the road

Myth: Plenty of fresh air through the window wil keep you awake
Fact: This might give you a boost and help for a while, as might turning the air-conditioning on to cold. But if yo are tired, sleep is the only solution.

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